Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ode to the Omnipod & Dexcom CGM!

I can't believe it's nearly been a month since I last post. It is that time of the year indeed....trying to keep life and the right priorites all in perspective as the Holiday frenzy buzzes all around us. It is now the day after Christmas and personally I have taken a deep breathe of relief. One week to reflect, re-focus and gear up for the New Year. Farewell 2012, Hello 2013! I am running with a swift and expectant pace into this New Year.....fully ready to leave some of the adversity, challenges and difficulty of 2012 behind. It always feels good to dive into new beginnings, fresh, uncharted territory and the hope that comes with knowing newness is on the horizon. I am truly grateful for that! In the last several weeks I have been utterly amazed by the technology available to those of us dealing with Diabetes; technology that wasn't even on my radar as of just a short few months ago. I first got connected with a Dexcom G4 Continuous Glucose Monitor (aka CGM) two weeks ago and the Insulet Omnipod Insulin Pump a week and a half ago. Merry Christmas to my Diabetes! These contraptions have already made management tremendously easier and much more precise. The two main adjustments I have become most aware of are 1.) being tethered to two devices attached to my stomach. The transmitter to the CGM is about an inch to the left of my belly button and the Insulin pump about an inch to the right. 2.) Not only carrying around two additional devices AND a cell phone pretty much everywhere I go AND getting to know their warning beeps, reminders and vibrations. Such is life! I told a girlfriend the other day that I should design a small, stylish satchel or something to carry all these items when your desire is to travel light. I think one of my most humbling and a bit embarrassing moments albeit came when I was getting into the jacuzzi a few days ago and a little boy whispered to his dad, "what does she have on her stomach"? Oy vei, I thought....There was that brief moment of feeling completely vulnerable with no where to run and hide, but in the end it turned into an opportunity for a good conversation. I decided to remain bold, grateful and captivated by these contraptions tethered to my tummy.....and out the window with vanity! Moral of the story, we have come so far with the technology, research and medical devices that make it easier to have a disease like type 1 Diabetes, so I consider myself fortunate and overflowing with gratitude that I am the proud new owner of a CGM & Omnipod!

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